10 proven methods to keep your charts and graphs interesting in your presentations.

Using the right graph and charts makes a world of difference in your presentation.

3 min readJan 27, 2022

When I was a kid, I used to love creating charts and graphs. They were my favorite session during my Math class, a subject that I was really fond of.

We have all used graphs at some point in our life. Ever since we were in school, we have been using graphs to convey complex information in a simple form.

My interest in charts and graphs made me use them in every project. And after so many years, this obsession still remains. 🔥🔥 So, I always use data visualization in my presentations to keep the data intelligible and interesting.

And here how you can do it too with these 10 tips to create excellent charts and graphs in PowerPoint!

🔹Color coordinate your data
Don’t use multiple colors to depict one type of data.
For example, in a bar graph, the positive bars can have one color and the negatives another. Colors should help in comprehension.

🔹Keep the graphs and charts as simple as possible
Avoid using special effects unless they help in comprehension. Avoid using 3D in bar graphs and complex pie charts. Effects like Bevel etc. are unnecessary and can be distracting.

🔹 Clear information and accurate data
The information on your charts and graphs should be short and concise.
They don’t have to tell the whole story, they are just titles. The numbers you add should be rounded off. They should be easy to read and understand.

🔹Use colors wisely
Always use a plain background that does not hinder reading.
The color scheme should also be chosen such that the data is highlighted.

🔹Take care of your Y-axis
Always start the Y-axis from zero. Our eyes are highly sensitive to the area of bars, and when those bars are shortened, we make incorrect inferences.
Another thing to keep in mind is that the data should not exceed the x-axis but rather stay within it.

🔹Clutter-free charts
Do not add pictures or patterns in the bars or the backgrounds.
Avoid using horizontal lines etc. Keep the charts as simple and empty as possible. Keep them clutter-free.

🔹Horizontal charts for long labels
Your bars should not have a lot of difference in heights. Keep the height optimal, it shouldn’t exceed the Y-axis limits. If the values are higher, opt for horizontal charts.

🔹Use appropriate shapes in flow charts
Use the same types of shapes in each part of a flow chart. Each form has a distinct significance or purpose. Always use the appropriate shapes for the task. This also helps to maintain the design’s consistency.

🔹Label appropriately
Label the data in the pie charts according to the size. Never put the label outside the chart. In the case of a lot of labels, use a legend to keep it clutter-free.

🔹Showcase data systematically
Always follow a system to showcase data. In a pie chart, always show the data clockwise, from largest to smallest. This makes it easier to compare the data for the readers.

Charts and graphs are a great way to showcase complex numbers and data in presentations and projects. They can really make your presentation come alive, and add credibility to your statements at the same time.

“No one ever made a decision because of a number! They need a story!” Help them see the story with perfect charts and graphs.




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